The EIB Group

GEEREF is advised by the European Investment Bank Group, combining the institutional expertise in climate action investments worldwide of the EIB with the Fund-of-Funds management expertise of the EIF.
THE European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank is the bank of the European Union. As the largest multi-lateral borrower and lender, the EIB has provided finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects since 1958. The Bank is owned by the 28 Member States and the projects it supports help to implement EU policy objectives. Support to low-carbon and climate resilient growth globally is a key priority for the EIB.
Climate Action
Between 2012 and 2018, the EIB invested over € 125 billion in climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, making it the largest multi-lateral provider of finance in support of climate action worldwide. The EIB supports low-carbon and climate resilient growth in Europe and in developing and emerging countries outside Europe. Moreover, EIB funding acts as a catalyst to mobilise finance for climate action, encouraging others to match its long-term investment. The EIB complements innovative financing instruments with a range of technical assistance tools to provide rounded solutions for commercially promising climate initiatives.
In 2018 alone, the EIB's climate action investments and lending reached € 16.2 billion, accounting for over 29% of its overall lending volume. Most of the lending went towards renewable energy (€ 4.1 billion) and sustainable transport (€ 6.0 billion), followed by energy efficiency (€ 2.7 billion), climate change adaptation (€ 1.2 billion), Research, Development and Innovation (€ 1.1 billion) and afforestation, forest management and other climate action projects (€ 1.1 billion).
The equity infrastructure team has, since 2005, been active in building up a portfolio of over 80 infrastructure funds for total commitments of over € 3.8 billion, primarily in Europe (c. 70%) and across different sectors, including renewable energy and energy efficiency.
As part of the Climate Change and Environment Division, GEEREF has ready access to the teams developing and implementing traditional and innovative climate action financing instruments and equity infrastructure activities.
For more information, please click on EIB, EIB climate action activities or EIB equity and fund investments.
The European Investment Fund's central mission is to support Europe's micro, small and medium-sized businesses by helping them to access finance. EIF designs and develops venture and growth capital, guarantees and microfinance instruments which specifically target this market segment. In this role, EIF fosters EU objectives in support of innovation, research and development, entrepreneurship, growth and employment. Its shareholders are the EIB, the European Commission and a wide range of public and private financial institutions.
EIF is the stand-out Fund-of-Funds investor in the European venture and growth capital market, achieving impact on SME-focused funds throughout Europe in a wide range of sectors. Over and above its own character as a Fund-of-Funds, EIF is managing or advising several regional venture capital Fund-of-Funds structures that are supporting European venture capital and private equity local teams.
For more information, please visit the EIF website.